Legacy Types
Leave A LegacyA legacy can be as small or big as you like. All legacies will make a difference in continuing to create and develop bold theatre.
The two most common types of legacies are:
- Pecuniary legacies, which are fixed sums of money stated in your Will.
- Legacies out of the residue of your estate, which means leaving a fraction or percentage of your overall estate to charity. The ‘residue’ is the part of your estate that is left after all other legacies, expenses and inheritance tax has been paid.
After you have thought about those closest to you, would you consider leaving just 1% of your estate to Traverse Theatre?
Many of our supporters choose to leave a residuary legacy for the reason that it keeps pace with inflation and enables you to ensure that your family and friends are cared for. Pecuniary gifts can be expressed to be ‘index linked’, so the sum gift holds its value in line with inflation.
It is also possible to leave a legacy of a variable amount so that you can ensure that your estate qualifies for the ‘reduced rate’ of inheritance tax as mentioned above.
How to leave a legacy
Find out how you can remember us in your will and help to safeguard the Traverse Theatre for future generations to enjoy.
Inheritance Tax
The amount of inheritance tax paid can sometimes be decreased by leaving a legacy gift to charity
How your support helps
Every donation to Traverse Theatre makes a difference. Discover here some of the great work we have been able to achieve thanks to your support.

To talk about leaving a legacy to the Traverse, please get in touch with Head of Development, James Pierce - james.pierce@traverse.co.uk